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Admissions Consultation 2022-23

The Lighthouse Schools Partnership is currently consulting on admissions arrangements for 2022-2023 for all the primary schools within the Trust.

The consultation will run from Tuesday 24 November 2020 to midday on Tuesday 19 January 2021.

Changes this year are:

  1. Whitchurch Primary School in Bath and NE Somerset has joined the Trust and is now included in our B&NES Primary Schools Policy;
  2. High Down Infant School is consulting on reducing its Planned Admissions Number from 90 to 60 as a result of declining demand for places in Portishead.  Further information on this change can be found on the High Down Schools website.

In addition, please note:

  1. From 1 January 2021, in line with guidance from HM Government, the policies will be amended to remove the criteria under ‘Who Can apply’ section they are from the European Economic Area (EEA)”.

Click here to view the consultation documents on the Admissions section of our website.

We welcome feedback from all members of the community.  Alternatively, you can submit feedback by post or writing to: Lighthouse Schools Partnership, St Mary’s Road, Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 7QR or emailing: