A GOOD day for Bishop Sutton Primary School

It is a 'good' day at Bishop Sutton Primary School as the school celebrates after being graded GOOD in all areas following an Ofsted inspection in July 2024.
The inspectors commented on the school’s vision “where every child can dream, believe and achieve,” stating that it “can be seen through the ambitious curriculum.” They also noted that “pupils are engaged in their learning and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well-supported.”
Mr Dieter Cook, Headteacher at the time of inspection and who retired at the end of August 2024, feels the report reflects the school well: “The highly successful recent Ofsted inspection at Bishop Sutton is testament to the hard-working team there; I really cannot thank staff teams enough for their hard work, dedication and service to children and their families over the last few years.”
Bishop Sutton, along with its federated school Stanton Drew Primary, has a new Headteacher from this academic year, Mr Tim Eustace. He agrees with the inspectors’ view that “pupils are polite and well-mannered and there is a calm and purposeful environment in classrooms and around the school,” and adds, “I am delighted to be leading both schools and will continue to build on the strong foundations already in place.”
Following the publication of Ofsted’s report, Dr Gary Lewis, Chief Executive of Lighthouse Schools Partnership (LSP), said “Bishop Sutton’s positive inspection report recognises the passion and commitment of the teachers, leaders and support staff in creating an environment that is safe and welcoming for pupils. Our Trust is committed to continuous improvement and under Tim Eustace’s new leadership and with his previous experience of working within other LSP schools, we will continue to see both Bishop Sutton and Stanton Drew schools develop and flourish.”
Click here to read the full Ofsted Report.
Photo above: Retired Headteacher Mr D Cook (left) and Headteacher Mr T Eustace (right).