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Our Vision (OLD)

"Flourishing in Partnership"

Our Vision:

  • A deep partnership where our schools flourish

Our Beliefs:

  • Education transforms our lives for the better and forever
  • Disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils deserve priority
  • Great teaching leads to great learning
  • Partnership and professional generosity extend opportunity for pupils and colleagues
  • Coherence requires some alignment but also enables local decision making

Our Aims:

  • Strong and improving outcomes, especially for disadvantaged children and young people
  • A rich and exciting curriculum where our pupils thrive and develop character
  • Excellence in teaching, professional learning and staff development
  • Extraordinary opportunities for both pupils and professionals
  • Delivering more and improving quality through collaboration
  • A humane, ethical, ecological and generous culture in all our activities
  • Strong and strategic leadership and governance at all levels
  • High quality and cost-effective central services